When I was a child my favorite thing to do was draw. But someone asked me what I was drawing, I told them it was a person, they replied, "stick to the cartoons kid." I was mortified! The little artist inside me was broken. I stopped drawing. Except for a few cartoonish doodles but afraid to show anyone.
It wasn't until I was 18 years old that the little artist in me decided to go after my dreams. I grabbed magazines and practiced drawing faces then bodies but still afraid to show anyone. I started reading art books and played with oil paints. This was before the internet. I read every art book I could get my hands on.
I finally freed myself to go after what I loved.
I loved to create.
I started developing my own style.

It wasn't until I had kids that I felt free to claim that I was an artist. A creative. I started to display my work. People started asking me to paint murals for them and portraits.

Volunteered to paint a pond on a 15'X30' Painters Tarp for my daughters play, "Honk Jr. " A new experience for me. It stretched me and I wanted to learn more artistic skills.
I went back to school to become a photo-realistic painter
but my heart was to teach others how to create art, how to see as an artist, and how to find the joy in painting that makes you lose yourself.

If you have a desire to go deeper into the world of art, allow me to guide you with the right tools to express yourself and find peace and joy in painting.

Creating Fine Art starts with loving art.

The Joy of Teaching Art my first year.

I now tell my children, "Find what you love to do, then find someone to pay you to do it."
It's never too late to do what interests you. To learn something new. Or to finally take that first step for yourself, to believe in yourself, to do something you love.
I promise to give you the best tools I have that will serve you to become a capable creative artist.
I'm putting together my most
Just for you!